Podszlifuj swój polski
Podszlifuj swój polski
Mini kurs dla osób słowiańskojęzycznych.
Uczysz się polskiego od dłuższego czasu i wciąż popełniasz frustrujące błędy?
Nie wierzysz, że możesz pozbyć się tych błędów w 1 miesiąc?
Ten kurs Cię przekona, że możesz!
Poznaj podobieństwa i różnice między polskim a innymi językami słowiańskimi. Nasi nauczyciele doskonale znają polski, ukraiński i rosyjski.
Przykładowa lekcja:
Skontaktuj się z nami: courses@spokopolish.pl
WhatsApp: +48884617427
At Spoko Polish, w understand the need for more effective language learning methods, especially for those with limited experience in learning new languages. Our mission is to create a supportive community of progressive edeucators dedicated to transforming the way Polish is taught.
Why Choose Spoko Polish?
– Innovative Learning Methods: We utilize modern language teaching techniques to develop ethical and inclusive materials that cater to diverse perspectives, ensuring no student feels excluded. Our Polish courses are designed to be the easiest way to learn Polish.
– Safe and Inclusive Environment: We create welcoming spaces for individuals of all cultures, genders, orientations, and life experiences. Our commitment is to make every student feel accepted and confident in expressing themselves while learning spoken Polish.
– Progressive Educators: Our team of educators is passionate about breaking down barriers in language learning. They are dedicated to using non-discriminatory materials that promote equality and inclusivity in our Progressive Polish courses.
– Comprehensive Curriculum: Whether you’re looking to master Polish grammar or simply want to speak Polish fluently, our courses cover all aspects of Polish as foreign language.
Join Spoko Polish today and experience a new way of learning Polish that values inclusivity, innovation, and community. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to improve your skills, our Polish courses are designed to meet your needs.